Sunday, June 29, 2014

IB Diploma Visual Art Programme Course Outlines

IB Diploma Programme course outlines
Teachers responsible for each proposed subject must prepare a course outline following the guidelines below. While IB subject guides will be used for this exercise, teachers are expected to adapt the information in these guides to their own school’s context. Please be sure to use IBO nomenclature throughout. The name of the teacher(s) who wrote the course outline must be recorded at the top of the outline.
Name of the teacher who prepared the outline:
Mr. Saurabh Bhatt
Name of the course:
IB VISUAL ARTS (Grade 11-12 (HL & SL))
Course description:
Within IB Visual Art students will:
·         · develop the skills and techniques of investigation—both visual and written
·         · relate art to its cultural and historical contexts
·         · explore art concepts
·         · explore art elements
·         · develop and use the processes of art criticism and analysis
·         · develop confidence and expertise in the use of various media
·         · extend their knowledge of design
·         · share their work with an audience through displays and exhibitions or presentations
·         · extend individual investigation to inform practical work
·         · make connections between ideas and practice—both their own and others’.
Students will do the above through the use of investigation work books (IWBs) which
will provide the research, designs, and concepts of their studio work.
Within grade 11 students will follow set units of work which will gradually become
more personal allowing the student to explore their own interests and ideas. Grade
12 students will see a continuation of this with students developing their own body of
work in preparation for their final exhibition.
The aims of the visual arts course at HL and SL are to enable students to:
investigate past, present and emerging forms of visual arts and engage in producing,
appreciating and evaluating these
·         develop an understanding of visual arts from a local, national and international perspective
·         build confidence in responding visually and creatively to personal and cultural experiences
·         develop skills in, and sensitivity to, the creation of works that reflect active and individual involvement take responsibility for the direction of their learning through the acquisition of effective working practice

Option A
Studio 60%
External assessment
The student prepares a selection of his or her studio work in the form of an exhibition.
This is externally assessed by a visiting examiner following an interview with the student
about the work.
Investigation 40%
Internal assessment
The student presents selected pages of his or her investigation workbooks that have
been produced during the course. This selection is internally assessed by the teacher
and externally moderated by the IBO at the end of the course.
External Assessment Internal Assessment

Option B
Investigation 60%
External assessment
The student presents selected pages of his or her investigation workbooks that have
been produced during the course. This selection is externally assessed by a visiting
examiner following an interview with the student.
Studio 40%
Internal assessment
The student presents a selection of his or her studio work. This selection is internally
assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IBO at the end of the
course.Busan International Foreign School
IBDP Visual Art
Assessment outline
Studio work involves practical exploration and artistic production. Investigation work involves independent contextual, visual and critical investigation and reflection, both visual and written.

External Assessment
Internal Assessment

Studio 60%
Investigation 40%
6 periods per week
Selection   of   12–18   photographs
25–30   A4/letter-size   copies   of

representing the works produced
workbook pages
Investigation 60%
Studio 40%
6 periods per week
30–40   A4/letter-size   copies   of
Selection   of   8–12   photographs

workbook pages
representing the works produced
Studio 60%
Investigation 40%
6 periods per week
Identical to HLA.
Identical to HLA.
(together  with  the
Selection of 8–12 photographs
15–20 A4/letter-size copies of workbook
representing the works produced
Note: Even though the assessment content in HL and SL is identical, the greater amount of time spent in HL is expected to result in more sustained growth and commitment.
Candidate Record Booklet (CRB), for moderation purposes must contain:

           a statement by the candidate (maximum 300 words)

           a short statement by the teacher to justify the mark allocated for the internally assessed component
           a photographic record of the selected studio work
           A4/letter-size copies of the selected investigation workbook pages.

The interview with candidates to talk about their work will be recorded.

From May 2013, candidate art work will be submitted electronically and marked on screen. Other exam materials such as the CRB and interview recordings will also be sent electronically.

Visual arts and prior learning

The Diploma Programme visual arts course is designed to offer students the opportunity to build on prior experience while encouraging them to develop and use new skills, techniques and ideas. While it is possible to take the Diploma Programme visual arts course without previous experience, this is helpful, particularly at HL option A (HLA).

Quote from IBDP Visual Arts Guide for First Examinations 2009


1)            Students must have scored at least a grade “C” for IGCSE Art and Design to offer Visual Arts at

Standard Level and at least a grade “B” to offer at Higher Level.

2)            Students who did not take IGCSE Art and Design are required to submit a portfolio and to attend an interview. They can only offer the course initially at Standard Level and will be assessed during their trial period of subject options for their eligibility to offer Visual Arts at Higher level.

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